KC0DTU is now N2DEE

Same guy, same radios, just a new callsign…

OK, maybe a bit more than just that…

My “General” class license has been upgraded to an “Amateur Extra” back in Janurary… The go-box pictured in the previous post has been rehomed into a Gator box (post and pictures later)… The Baofeng & BTech HT’s have been replaced by an AnyTone D878UV and a Kenwood D74A (love this radio!). And, last week I took the dive into the world of HF with the purchase of an Icom IC-7300. Still trying to figure out a workable antenna for that, and will probably write up something in the future when things settle down.

It’s been a busy 12 months, and I anticipate no slowing down over the next several…

Next level license, on to the next adventure…

I wish I had started this website a 6 weeks ago when I got my first radio (Yaesu FT-70DR – great radio, digital modes, unfortunately only 2-3 C4FM repeaters in the area)… and replaced it with my second radio (AnyTone AT-D868UV; solid radio, it did DMR which was why I got it, but a klunky as hell UI on it, so ended up returning it, too)… and now replaced it with two Amazon Prime Day deals with a Baofeng BF-F8HP (8 watt, dual band) and a BTECH UV-5X3 (5 Watt, 2M, 1.25M, 70cm).   I figured for a total of $84, I could Read More