Welcome to N2DEE

I first got my amateur license, Novice class, back in 1989 (KC4MFV), but did not too much back then. Fast forward to 2018…. I reacquired my license in 2018, and quickly went from Technician to General to Amateur Extra within 7 months.

I’ve gone from having a few of the cheap Chinese handhelds, to a Kenwood TM-D710GA Mobile unit in my truck, a Kenwood TM-V71A in my go-box, and a Kenwood TH-D74A handheld. I’m active in Douglas/Elbert County’s ARES group, and ready to participate in the next emergency activations.

Recently I ventured into the world of HF, with an Icom 7300. My antenna is a long-wire strung up at 5-7 feet (it varies) around the yard to hit 138 ft. With that, I’ve been able to make FT8 contacts in Europe, South America, and Japan. I’m still a little gun-shy behind the mic, and have only made “phone” (voice) contacts over to the east coast.